The aim of our project is to build and grow an edible garden using Vegepods, which is a safe, contained, portable and accessible raised garden bed. We will utilise Vegepod’s schooling program ‘Sprouters’ to educate students about sustainable food production and follow their interest in gardening. The children will be involved in the modular construction of Vegepods, preparing healthy soil and compost, growing edible plants by seed, caring for the edible garden including watering, harvesting, sharing, eating and cooking the produce. The children will be involved in critical thinking, teamwork, environmental stewardship, expression of creativity and problem-solving. The expected (environmental and educational) outcomes of the project include learning sustainable food production, agricultural water-saving methods such as wicking systems, understanding environmental conditions, the biology of plants, importance of ecology and geography, the importance of native and Indigenous edibles, and overall wellbeing of students through gardening.
Millars Well Garden Group
Millars Well Primary School