The aim of our project is to teach our students about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and how to reduce our waste at school and at home. We would like to set up a composting program and a more in depth recycling program that the students are actively involved with, in helping to protect our planet. Students will be actively learning and taking part in projects during environment and sustainability classes relating to why we reduce, reuse and recycle and the benefits it has on our environment. Students will be collecting food scraps for the school compost and chickens, recycling papers and plastics in the classrooms. Our aim is for students to have full understanding of why we reduce, reuse and recycle and the benefits it has on our environment. The students will become familiar and practice on a daily basis composting their food scraps and recycling. This will become an ongoing program in the school.
Kent Park’s 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Kent Park Primary School