Composting System and Worm Farm

One Tree Defence Childcare Unit Williams

Our Grant was used to build on our sustainability practices, educate our children about caring for the environment and involve the children in all aspects of implementing our project. We purchased a worm farm and composting system with visions of growing fruit, vegetables and herbs as a garden to plate project for our centre cook to use with her cooking and also to eventually, overtime, have enough herbs and vegetables growing to be able to have them on offer for our families to take home. Our worm farm and compost system are now set up and implemented. The children have enjoyed collecting the worm juice to place on our vegetables and fruit which are now thriving and growing extremely healthily. Throughout the centre we are putting our food scraps into the compost bin and using this compost to help with our gardens. We also save our fruit scraps for the worms and the children love feeding their worms! As these systems are now in place and the children are really enjoying this project, we have now also commenced a green house in our outdoor yard which the children have full ownership over and have really taken to caring for it themselves.