Rokewood Scrub is a remnant of the threatened Grey Box woodland community (classified nationally as Endangered) within the school grounds. The goal of the project was to enhance habitat quality. This was achieved through weed control, planting specific habitat species, installing nest boxes, bee hotels and student maintained water sources for birds and frogs. Signs have been installed to familiarise students with names and features of specific species and their value as habitat. The project has given real purpose to the Eco Club who have been involved from planning stages, will follow through on maintenance and already are planning propagation for further planting next year. The project has greatly increased their knowledge and they have supervised and assisted classes to do the planting in an Arbor Day event. Nine classes planted a ‘patch’ and will follow the progress and maintain their patch. Eco Club led the tours with support of Sturt Upper Reaches Landcare Group to showcase the work and educate the wider community on the importance of the endangered Grey Box woodland that occurs throughout the area and what can be achieved in their own backyards.
Enhancing Rokewood Scrub–a Grey Box Community
Belair Primary School